Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Simple Explanation

Ok, so as you may have noticed, I have removed one of my earlier blogs from the listing. Because I feel that communication within the body of Christ is so important, I feel obligated to at least give some explanation as to why I have done this.

When I started writing on this blog, I felt there was a need out there to start a conversation about what the Church should really be about and look like. At no time did I ever come under the illusion that I had the answers, but I did feel like I had an opinion that would contribute to the advancing of the dialogue. I believe that this dialogue is an important piece to the ongoing movement of Jesus. And I did, and do, feel passionately that some things need to be adjusted.

Now, here are some of the things I did not start this blog to do. I did not start this blog to promote the community of faith which I am a part. I did not start this blog to show people that I am right and they are wrong. I did not start this blog to tell people that they needed to setup their worship service like ours because it is obviously the best. Most importantly, I did not start this blog to judge anyone, especially other members of the Kingdom.

After I posted a recent blog, there were a few people who, how can I say this, disagreed with what I said in a section of the blog, which I am perfectly ok with. I actually enjoyed reading the comments that some of you posted. Here is where I am coming from when I write on this blog. I do not write to judge or criticize anyone, however I do feel that it is important to question. You see what questioning does is it prevents complacency from setting in and bringing this movement, which is much bigger than me and my blog, to a halt. That is why I was perfectly ok with those of you who commented on the blog challenging and questioning what I had written.

Some who commented about the other blog stated that they knew me and even said that we were friends. Well for those of you who do know me, you know that I want nothing more than a world overtaken by this Jesus movement from a unified body of Christ. I would love to see all of the followers of Jesus working together to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to where hell is on earth.

So in closing, I did not feel that the direction of the blog was going in anywhere close to a positive direction. I did not feel that it was serving justly the values of the Kingdom. I look forward to continuing the conversation (especially if you do not agree with me). What fun is a conversation if everybody says the same thing? I also look forward to standing side by side in this journey with all of the followers of Christ.

P.S. Some of you may have also already noticed that I have put a block on anonymous postings. Again I feel obligated to explain. Sometimes it is too easy for us to throw things out into cyberspace when it goes under the name anonymous. I think it adds so much more depth and meaning to our conversation when we are able to look each other “in the eye” as family in Christ and say, “I’m not sure I agree.” Just think of how huge that is. What an amazing step would that be in the progression of our ultimate goal of a unified Body doing the work of our Savior.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:06 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

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6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I want to start with this - I agree with the whole it’s-hard-to-read-tone-of-voice sometimes problem. We can tell when someone is YELLING!!! But, other than that, who really knows? So, I would like to put out there that my tone is pleasantly moderate and in no way inflammatory right now.

Here goes….. Asking questions is one of the most important things we can do as human beings – period. It’s one of the few things that sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. First, it’s how we learn new things. But that’s just on the part of the questioner. Right?

What about the ones being questioned? What is their part in all of this? I (as the questioner) am not directing these questions to anyone in particular as much as I am asking them of everyone.

When we are asked questions, especially those really difficult ones, how do we react? Do we internalize them? Do we use them for self reflection? Do we let them lie (or lay, I never could get that one right) flat on the floor and step over them as we walk by?

So (I ask), when someone like Jeff asks me a tough one, how do I react? It depends on the question, I’m sure…. I hope his questioning makes me think about my own behavior and about how my image is reflected by those watching me. I hope that every question that comes at me affects me in such a way that I learn something.

Like Jeff, I don’t have a whole lot of answers…. Just more questions.

7:54 PM  

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