Tuesday, October 23, 2007

"No One Should Go Hungry"

I recently attended this church that my wife and I go to ever so often. On this particular day, one of the members of the church had asked the pastor if they could make an announcement to the congregation. The member was a part of some big-time committee for the church, and was going to inform the congregation of all that was being done through the committee for the church. By his speech I could deduce that there had been different questions and concerns raised about certain issues involving the church, but I honestly knew very little about the details of the issues he was addressing. So at this time I kind of zoned out while the gentleman continued his explanation of actions and directives taken by the committee for the church.

I zoned out until he started talking about the new building that was being constructed on the church property. The building is some sort of family-life building, or whatever title they have given it. The building is going to have a gym and it is going to be the setting for the contemporary service once the building is complete. As you know from reading some of my other blogs, this kind of caught my attention. But then the gentleman made a comment that I could grab on to. He made the comment kind of as a half-hearted, tongue in cheek joke. But I think there is so much more to his comment than the original intent. The comment was talking about the facilities of the church. With all of the buildings combined, after the new building is finished, the church will have five kitchens for its use. After stating this, the committee leader said, “With five kitchens no one should go hungry.”

My wife and I looked at each other and instantly communicated without saying a word, as we are so good at doing since we agree on everything (or not). But the fact is, when we looked at each other we knew, he was right. He was absolutely right. With five kitchens able to be used, no one should go hungry. And I know this church; I know this church is about much more than Sunday mornings. I know this church is about reaching out and loving others. This church has an opportunity to reach out and touch the community that surrounds it in a way that very few churches can. There is no reason that those five kitchens should not be in almost constant use. With where this church is located, there are absolutely people who could use a good warm meal. Who better to serve that meal than the body of Christ? Who better to give the warm meal with a loving smile than those who have accepted the call to be the hands and feet of Jesus? Is there a better way to continue to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to people who live in this darkness of both physical and spiritual hunger?

Of course you run the risk of someone showing up to church that does not look like you, or talk like you, or dress like you, or smell like you. But I think that is what it is all about.


Blogger CLRaymer said...

i agree with this 100%. I didnt know that church had that many kitchens. You are also right about the fact of the location of the church. There isnt many better places to be if you are welling to help the community! The last paragraph is what made this a great blog. So many times i hear that people dont go to church b/c other may judge them. I myself have felt this in a way, however, i think if they church would take a chance in using the kitchen not only to provide a meal, but to provide a place to feel welcome by everyone, then this would be a awesome idea. I might have to bring a helpping hand! :)

12:21 PM  

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