Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Continuing a Revolution

The Webster definition defines revolution as follows: a : a sudden, radical, or complete change b : a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something : a change of paradigm.

The Church (not the one that we know today) went through a major revolution about 2,000 years ago. If you want to, you can read about it in the books Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts which are in the Bible. It is actually a quite interesting read. Standards were changed, philosophy was changed, and commands were changed. Maybe most importantly, priorities were changed. The focus changed from a selfish view of salvation, to a divine responsibility of Love. Talk about a revolution. Fast forward to today.

The Church (the one we do know) may be in need of another revolution. Church is not a building that "Christians" gather, sing hymns, shake hands with other "Christians", and then go home and continue with their daily lives. Jesus said that wherever two or more people met in his name, he was there as well. HE WAS THERE. So am I saying that you do not need to increase your congregation numbers to be blessed as a congregation? Am I saying that you do not need the best power point to have a good service? Am I saying that you do not have to have a choir of 100 people to have a special worship experience? Precisely. The topic to which Jesus teaches the most is the " the least of these..." verses. We have all heard the Love your neighbors and enemies sermons, but do we really understand that those two categories include everyone? Jesus commanded that we Love everyone! The key is he did not say that we just love them in words, but we have a divine responsibility to HELP our neighbors and our enemies when they are in need. Church today is trying to spread the message of Christ by bringing more people into the walls of the church and singing together. Jesus wanted us TO BE church. Our lives should BE church. Everything we do should ooze church and Jesus' Love. Jesus did not bring people to him to give his miracles and message, he went out to them. That is what he expects from us. To reach out to EVERYONE in need. To take action. To Love them.

Do we need a sudden, radical, and complete change? Do we need a fundamental change in the way we think about or visualize church? Do we need a change in paradigm? I think so. I think it is time for another revolution!