Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Simple Explanation

Ok, so as you may have noticed, I have removed one of my earlier blogs from the listing. Because I feel that communication within the body of Christ is so important, I feel obligated to at least give some explanation as to why I have done this.

When I started writing on this blog, I felt there was a need out there to start a conversation about what the Church should really be about and look like. At no time did I ever come under the illusion that I had the answers, but I did feel like I had an opinion that would contribute to the advancing of the dialogue. I believe that this dialogue is an important piece to the ongoing movement of Jesus. And I did, and do, feel passionately that some things need to be adjusted.

Now, here are some of the things I did not start this blog to do. I did not start this blog to promote the community of faith which I am a part. I did not start this blog to show people that I am right and they are wrong. I did not start this blog to tell people that they needed to setup their worship service like ours because it is obviously the best. Most importantly, I did not start this blog to judge anyone, especially other members of the Kingdom.

After I posted a recent blog, there were a few people who, how can I say this, disagreed with what I said in a section of the blog, which I am perfectly ok with. I actually enjoyed reading the comments that some of you posted. Here is where I am coming from when I write on this blog. I do not write to judge or criticize anyone, however I do feel that it is important to question. You see what questioning does is it prevents complacency from setting in and bringing this movement, which is much bigger than me and my blog, to a halt. That is why I was perfectly ok with those of you who commented on the blog challenging and questioning what I had written.

Some who commented about the other blog stated that they knew me and even said that we were friends. Well for those of you who do know me, you know that I want nothing more than a world overtaken by this Jesus movement from a unified body of Christ. I would love to see all of the followers of Jesus working together to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to where hell is on earth.

So in closing, I did not feel that the direction of the blog was going in anywhere close to a positive direction. I did not feel that it was serving justly the values of the Kingdom. I look forward to continuing the conversation (especially if you do not agree with me). What fun is a conversation if everybody says the same thing? I also look forward to standing side by side in this journey with all of the followers of Christ.

P.S. Some of you may have also already noticed that I have put a block on anonymous postings. Again I feel obligated to explain. Sometimes it is too easy for us to throw things out into cyberspace when it goes under the name anonymous. I think it adds so much more depth and meaning to our conversation when we are able to look each other “in the eye” as family in Christ and say, “I’m not sure I agree.” Just think of how huge that is. What an amazing step would that be in the progression of our ultimate goal of a unified Body doing the work of our Savior.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Television CAN Be Good For You

It is funny how you can sometimes hear what God is trying to say in some of the strangest places and ways. I was watching TV the other night, I know real surprising. But I wasn’t watching sports; that is actually very surprising for those of you who know me. I was actually watching the Kennedy Center Honors with my dog; he kind of likes the TV also.

I was sitting there enjoying all of the music that the honorees had performed or conducted through the years. They had everything, Country, old school R&B, Classical, and Show Tunes. I just sat there in awe; they were all so beautiful, in their own way of course. I mean how could you compare “My Girl” to “Joleen” or to “Music of the Night”? I mean it was just song after song after song that all I could do is sit and sing along, well not really loud on the “Music of the Night,” I didn’t want my dog to start howling.

After it was over it was kind of strange, I felt like I had a tear in my eye and still I had this feeling of happiness. You see, all of these artists were able to passionately express such beauty in their own unique way. They were all quite different, yet they had the same goal, to create wonderful art through music. In some way, this made it even more amazing.

Then I was thinking, is this not the same way with our worship of God? My wife and I were lucky enough to go home for Christmas and spend it with our families. Christmas Eve morning we woke up early to go to one of the early services at the church my wife grew up in with her family. I have to admit, this was not really something I was looking forward to. This particular church is a little more traditional than what I have become accustomed to. But during the sermon, the pastor, who I have heard give many sermons, really grabbed my attention. He was speaking about the courage of Mary, what she had to endure. He correlated it to having the courage to go out and help people in need, forgiving people, and giving people second chances. He thanked the congregation for all they do in the community, and he listed a few of the things. Then he challenged them to continue this and even increase their efforts. I sat there when he was finished and told my wife that I thought it was a sermon that could have been spoken at our church with no problem. It really started my Christmas Eve off on a wonderful foot.

You see, it is kind of like the artists who were getting honored. I think we can all have our own styles of worship, as long as we have the same goal in mind, watching over the sheep of our Lord Jesus Christ. I do not feel that it matters at all to God what kind of songs we sing, or what kind of robes the pastors wear, or if you make the sign of the cross, or if you clap during your songs, or if you wear a suit to church. But if it makes you feel better, go for it. God told us that He loves us, all of us. He also told us that we should love everyone, all of us. We may not always see eye to eye on things such as worship styles, and it is even ok to question others in the Body of Christ, but the goal of His followers should always be the same, to bring His Kingdom to where we are.

Monday, December 04, 2006

From Abu Dhabi with Love

So I have not been able to write about our recent trip to the Middle East yet. Yes, that is correct; we went to the Middle East. Yes, it was our idea. We actually went to Abu Dhabi during the Thanksgiving holiday to spend time with friends of ours who recently moved there. As you could probably figure out on your own, these were not just any friends, but two people who hold a very special place in our hearts.

Before I get started into what I am writing this about, let me answer some questions for those who know me well. Yes, I did bring my motion sickness medicine. Yes, I did get motion sickness. Yes, I did eat some Arabic food. No, I will never eat South Indian food again. Yes, there were camels. Yes, there were Christmas trees and songs in the stores. Yes, we did buy all of our Christmas ornaments for our tree in the United Arab Emirates, a Muslim country. No, we were not scared for our lives; although, overall the people there were not overly-friendly. Let’s just call them distant.

So hopefully that answers some questions.

Though our friend Ghazal made sure that every moment of our trip was enjoyable; there was one special moment that stands out in my mind, as it probably always will. Hayley and I could not go a Thanksgiving without having our Thanksgiving dinner. So, the four of us drove all around Abu Dhabi searching for just the right ingredients to make all of the classics for Thanksgiving. We did a wonderful job I must admit. After the Christmas music from Amin’s computer was quieted, after the oven was turned off, and after all the food was served; that is when the moment happened. If it had not been for my wife’s nagging, or I mean, suggesting (oops), the moment would have never happened. She suggested that we have a prayer together. So you say ok, no big deal, it’s a regular Thanksgiving dinner. But it was more than just a big deal; I believe it was God at work. There we were around this table, two Christians and three Muslims (two Sunnis and a Shiite), holding hands in prayer. We prayed that night, that somehow…someway…we could be an example to the world. We prayed that we could come together in Love to accomplish the same thing, the Will of God. This continues to be my prayer today. With everything that goes on in the name of religion, love still finds a way to unite in the name of God. I know, deep in my heart, that if Jesus were walking this earth today, he would have been sitting at that table holding our hands. I also know that He actually was there. I have my wife’s nagging to thank for it, I guess there’s a first for everything.